Cameron understands issues, ready to be problem solver for Hants East

Hants East NDP Candidate Abby Cameron with N.S. NDP Leader Claudia Chender. (Submitted photo)

SHUBENACADIE: Abby Cameron wants to be part of the solution for Nova Scotians and for what everyday people need.

That’s why Cameron, who grew up in Shubenacadie, put her name forward to once again be the N.S. NDP candidate for Hants East for the upcoming provincial election, set to be called by July 2025. It’s something she also did three years ago.

She said she’s running for election as people are still dealing with the big issues.

“Cost of housing continues to rise, along with the cost of everything else. Affordability has become even more of an issue here, and too many of us are struggling with the day-to-day costs of living,” Cameron said in an interview.

“We are also struggling with access to health care. I worry about our residents being attached to primary care to make sure they’re getting the health care they deserve.”


Cameron said she wants to be a solution solver for the province.

“I want to be part of the solution and fight for what everyday people need,” she said.

“I really believe (N.S. NDP Leader) Claudia (Chender) possesses so many great qualities that people in Hants East and all of Nova Scotia deserve in a Premier.

“I’m honoured to be on her team.”

Chender commented on Cameron’s nomination.

“We couldn’t have hoped for a more dedicated, knowledgeable, and connected member of the community to run in this riding,” she said in a Facebook post announcing Cameron as their choice.

Living in Fall River with her partner and their two wiener dogs, Sissy and Scooter, Cameron was asked why she’s running in East Hants. She explained the bulk of her life, from growing up to working as a journalist with the former Weekly Press and The Laker, was spent in the communities that make up East Hants.

“I grew up in Shubenacadie, I spent the bulk of my journalism career in Hants East, there isn’t a hall, school, or sports field I haven’t been to,” she said. “I spent years not only getting to tell stories of how amazing it is here, and the amazing people we have, but also have a uniquely strong understanding of our struggles.

“I love it here; I’ve always loved it here. It’s beautiful, thriving, and boasts some of the best people I’ve ever met. It would be an absolute honour to represent Hants East as their MLA.


Cameron said the top three issues she is hearing from residents as concerns are the same as everywhere else across Nova Scotia. Healthcare; housing; and affordability.

“Everyone has a health care story, whether it’s them or a loved one in an emergency room for hours, or family doctors retiring and suddenly being unattached to primary care,” she said. “I’ve heard a lot from seniors that apps like Maple are just inaccessible to them.

“Housing is also a big one, there are new builds along the Corridor in all stages of construction and I’m so happy to see that, but I do worry about their affordability for everyone.

“In local social media groups and out in the community there’s so many stories about young families looking for places and seniors looking to stay in their home communities and worrying about the cost.”

She said addressing these top issues starts with understanding them.

“In my time in local journalism I spent almost two decades listening to these stories and I would continue to do that,” said Cameron.

“If elected, I would dedicate myself to be a tireless advocate for the communities in Hants East, including making sure people get relief to afford the basics like groceries and fuel.”