Councillor Lisa Blackburn. (Healey file photo)

BEAVER BANK: The following was issued by Lisa Blackburn on Sept. 5 to media.

“At the meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners on Wednesday, Sept. 4, I misspoke regarding the participation of Jaques Dubé, former Chief Administrative Officer of the Halifax Regional Municipality, in the The Halifax Independent Civilian Review Into August 18, 2021 Encampment Evictions.

I incorrectly stated that Mr. Dubé had not agreed to be interviewed by Cooper, Sandler, Shime & Schwartzentruber LLP (“the Reviewer”).

Shortly after the Board meeting I realized my error, and I have apologized directly to Mr. Dube for having misspoken.


“The list of individuals who were interviewed as part of the Review was not provided to the Board of Police Commissioners.

“As noted in the Review, there were two individuals that were contacted by the Reviewer to be interviewed who did not participate. Mr. Dubé was not one of these individuals.

“I request that media ensure the facts of this matter are shared, specifically that Mr. Dubé accepted the request by the Reviewer and was interviewed as part of the process.”