The ribbon is cut. (Healey photo)

ENFIELD: Excitement abound as close to 20 runners warmed up to take part in the annual Terry Fox Run in Enfield recently.

The runners converged on the Enfield Legion, the starting and ending point for the 44th annual Terry Fox Run.

To kick things off, the ribbon was cut by CI Marissa Day from 2937 RC Army cadet Corps Enfield and her daughter Riley.

This year’s Terry Fox Run in Enfield raised more than $2,500 to help make a difference in the lives of Canadians facing cancer.

(Healey photo)


In 27 years that it has been held in Enfield, the run has raised more than $61,000 to date.

Organizer Margaret Smith thanked participants and volunteers for their contributions to Terry’s Legacy.

“We take pride in knowing that the spirit of Terry Fox has a home in our wonderful communities No Matter What,” said Smith.

(Healey photo)


And they’re off. (Healey photo)
The runners head out. (Healey photo)
The No Matter What on the back of the t-shirts for this years run. (Healey photo)