GRAND LAKE: A community open house is set for Feb. 1 in Grand Lake-Oakfield on a Low Carbon Fuel Oil (LCFO) Facility Project being proposed by Vyterra Renewables Inc.
The open house will run from 1-4 p.m. at the Grand Lake-Oakfield Community Hall, located at 22 Lakeside Dr, Grand Lake.
Vyterra is a Canadian company focused on providing climate change solutions from sawmill residues (chips, sawdust, bark) and low-grade forest biomass.
Vyterra is seeking input from residents of Enfield about a proposed facility that will create LCFO as a renewable, clean fuel.
LCFO has significantly lower carbon emissions than conventional fossil fuels and can help Nova Scotia meet its greenhouse gas reduction targets.
The project is designed to be a model for how the forest sector can partner with local communities and industrial companies to produce clean fuels, create sustainable local jobs, reduce air emissions, and combat climate change.
Vyterra will have project team members on-site to listen to your feedback and answer any questions you may have about the project or the environmental studies that are taking place.
Please visit https://www.ensyn.com/canada—vyterra.html for more information about the project.
The event is free and open to everyone, and light refreshments will be available.