BEAVER BANK: There’s some buzzing going on throughout the Beaver Bank community over it’s newest residents.
In a partnership between the volunteers at the Beaver Bank Country Gardens, located across from the Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre; BEEA Honey with Heart; and Our Community Market, bees have found a new home in the community.
”Bees are nature’s perfect little farmers,” said Roberta Hibbert, with Our Community Market. “They help keep gardens healthy for a more plentiful harvest as they assist with pollination.
“This has been a collaborative effect to launch this project.”

Hibbert said the beekeeping by the youth will be educational for the youth, while assisting in the garden as they build a social enterprise in the community.
BEEA honey will also be available at the Halifax Seaport Market. The money generated will be managed by the Youth Executive Committee as part of their entrepreneurship experience within the program.
Hibbert was introduced to the social enterprise project by Kim Drisdelle, who is the school-based Program coordinator with BEEA Honey with Heart in Halifax.
“They had funding available and were looking for a community garden within HRM that would host this project and after introducing them to Beaver Bank Country Garden, it was a very positive response to start the process,” said Hibbert.

The BEEA Youth Executive Committee is open to youth between the ages of 12-17 to learn about building a social enterprise. They will be responsible to conduct the hive checks and document their findings to keep each hive healthy. They will bottle and market the harvest from start to finish. There is no cost to get involved and all equipment will be supplied.
“I believe this project will be something our community youth will feel a sense of accomplishment that they will remember for a lifetime,” she said.
Drisdelle was on hand on Oct. 2 to install the first two hives of bees at the gardens location. She spoke about what it meant to have the hives in Beaver Bank.
“There were two bee hives purchased in July and we brought them down here to Beaver Bank so we can start a new beekeeping program here,” she said. “It’s going to help the youth with their leadership, entrepreneurship and business skills.”

She said they were happy to partner with Beaver Bank to make it a reality.
“It’s really phenomenal to get youth in here and get them doing something productive, but also something that is very environmentally sustainable.”
Drisdelle it’s important that youth are involved in special projects such as this, especially with everything going on around climate action.
To find out more about Beaver Bank BEEA and keep up to date, visit them at or email to be on our mailing list for events.
To find out more about Our Community Markets and where the honey will be available, you can email Hibbert at or join the facebook page at
MAIN PHOTO: Kim Drisdelle, who is the school-based Program coordinator with BEEA Honey with Heart in Halifax., holds one of the box inserts with bees on it up to show the volunteers. (Healey photo)