Beaver Bank youth facing charges of assaulting transit driver

RCMP's From the Cruiser. (Healey photo)

BEAVER BANK: A youth from Beaver Bank has been arrested in conenction with an assault of a Hlaifa xtransit driver.

Cpl. Guillaume Tremblay said on June 9, at approximately 4:30 p.m., RCMP Halifax Regional Detachment responded to a report of an assault on Beaver Bank Rd., near the 900 block, in Beaver Bank.

“RCMP officers learned that a transit driver was assaulted by a youth rider with sensory irritant,” he said

The driver suffered injuries consistent with exposure to sensory irritant.


RCMP officers located and safely arrested the Beaver Bank youth at a nearby home.

He was later released.

The youth is scheduled to appear in Halifax Youth Justice Court on June 27 to face a charge of Assault with a Weapon.

File 24-77156

(We noted this was on HRM Crime Mapping and inquired for more information, and what is in this story is the further info we were provided. Crimemapping is at: