Minister John Lohr at a previous announcement. (Communications Nova Scotia photo)

From a press release

BEDFORD: Nova Scotia and the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) are working together to issue development agreements for designated special planning areas in Bedford West.

On the recommendation of the Executive Panel on Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality, Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr has granted approvals that will enable the development of up to 2,060 homes in the following sub-areas of Bedford West:

— Bedford West 10 (subsections B and C) – the proposed development by Kearney Lake Development GP Limited includes 647 residential units in five multi-unit buildings, including some townhome-style units

— Bedford West 1 and 12 – Phase 1; the proposed development by MICCO WBHL Developments GP Limited includes up to 579 residential units consisting of 470 apartments and 109 townhomes and semi-attached or single-family units

— Bedford West 1 and 12 – Phase 3; the proposed development by West Bedford Holdings Ltd. includes about 834 residential units consisting of 749 apartments and 85 townhomes and semi-attached or single-family units.


The Minister has also approved bylaw and zoning amendments needed to support the development agreements. Details are at:

All development agreements are consistent with HRM’s Regional Plan, which was adopted by Halifax regional council in June 2014, approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs in October 2014 and updated as of October 13, 2023: .

With the approvals in place, the municipal planning office will now enter into the development agreements with the proponents.

Descriptions and updates on these and other special planning area projects can be found on the HRM website:


“Nova Scotians need access to safe, affordable housing that will meet their diverse needs.

“We are working together with our partners to remove barriers and create more housing, faster. These new developments are part of the solution.”
     – Michelle Thompson, acting Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

“The municipality’s Regional Plan sets out to identify where growth should occur and how development across the region should be organized in a way that furthers community goals and builds a healthy, thriving economy.

“The municipality is committed to collaborating with the Province on initiatives like these development agreements as well as working with private industry, residents, communities and key stakeholders to continue to advance a growth strategy for the Halifax region.”
     – Cathie O’Toole, Chief Administrative Officer, Halifax Regional Municipality


“These approvals will help increase access to housing and guide the development of vibrant, well-planned and walkable communities for residents to live in and enjoy.

“HRM planning has included requirements that would see the creation of a community plan and there are mechanisms in place to address issues such as traffic and road access.”
     – Vicki Elliott-Lopez, Chair, Executive Panel on Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality