MILFORD: The excitement towards June 13 is building for students at Hants East Rural High School in Milford.
The Tigers are organizing to host the popular Relay for Life, fundraising, and recognizing those who have survived cancer.
With a goal of $50,000, the students have raised $34,327.84 as of June 2 for the event, set for June 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Last year, the event had raised more than $50,000 to help give people with cancer the help and support they need to lead more fulfilling lives.
At the HERH Relay, Zack Rogers said survivors are invited, and asked to share their story during the opening ceremony and kick off the day by leading the school in the survivor lap.
“They are also invited to stay and enjoy the day, as well as take part in our luminary ceremony to wrap up the day,” said Rogers in an interview.
The day will include a tug-of-war; dunk tank; a conga lineup; relay lap; three-legged race; leapfrog race; wheelbarrow race; potato sack race; a team spirit lap; a yummy BBQ lunch; a dance lap featuring chicken dance, YMCA, and more; plus red-light green light to end the day.
Roger said survivors are also not required to share their story, but very welcome to.
“Each survivor will receive a survivor t-shirt, at the beginning of the day, and be introduced in our opening ceremony,” he said.
Rogers continued, explaining why it’s important for the students to hold the Relay for Life and to recognize survivors. He said those survivors interested in participating can email him at: rzf773749@gnspes.ca.
“It is important for us to have survivors at our event because it gives people hope, and shows that you can beat cancer,” he said.
“Many survivors at our event have probably had treatment, that was developed through research funded by events like Relay for Life.
“We want to honor their resilience, as part of our event at Hants East Rural High.”
To donate to the HERH Relay for Life (either to the event as whole or an individual student) check out: https://support.cancer.ca/site/TR/RelayForLife/?fr_id=29538