Years of work become reality
FALL RIVER: Parent volunteers like Dale Fisher can now take a breath after a busy few years of dedication to see a dream of...
Cooling down with a sweet treat
Julia Tingley couldn’t wait to cool down with her Vanilla ice cream from Frosty Freeze during the opening concert series, featuring TJ King, at...
Work on schedule for bridge replacement
FALL RIVER: Work to replace the Fall River bridge is on schedule, says HRM.
Brendan Elliott, senior communications spokesman with HRM, said crews from Dexter...
Castle youngest candidate for District 1
MIDDLE MUSQUODOBOIT: In a race with already six other candidates, Colin Castle has put his name in the hat to become the new councillor for District 1 in...
New park opens to rave reviews
WAVERLEY: The weather may have been dreary, but the smiles on the kids at the new playground and park in the Spider Lake subdivision...
Warning issued for Powder Mill Lake
WAVERELY: Nova Scotia Environment (NSE) is warning residents and tourists alike to not swim, drink water, or eat fish that are caught in Powder...
Hartlen’s closure a “devastating loss”
BEAVER BANK: A staple in North Upper Beaver Bank will close for the final time on July 11, leaving a huge void for residents...
Water service on HRM’s project list
FALL RIVER: Residents could see municipal water being brought down Fall River Road sooner rather than later after HRM included it in a list...
Brazen break-and-enter in Beaver Bank
BEAVER BANK: A brazen break-and-enter in Beaver Bank while a woman and grandson slept has Halifax District RCMP investigating and on the hunt for...