As we say goodbye to 2020 and all the hardship it brought, we can all look forward to the new year with optimism:
- Vaccines for COVID-19 are being rolled out, and while we must remain vigilant until they are widely distributed, we can see the end in sight. This is literally the ‘shot in the arm’ that Nova Scotia needed after an exceptionally difficult year.
- The community support of our local businesses that were impacted by the pandemic has been tremendous and will hopefully continue to grow throughout the new year to boost our local economic recovery.
- The overwhelming kindness and compassion of community volunteers was a bright light in 2020; one that will continue to shine into the new year, with an even deeper sense of appreciation and respect from the areas they serve.
- 2021 will see Canada rekindle our long-standing relationship with our neighbour to the south, and hopefully remove the uncertainty and instability of international affairs that have often been problematic over the past four years.
- Our government’s pandemic recovery plan to “build back better” focuses on the economy of course, but also on recognizing our nation’s values and addressing the marginalization of Canadians based on their race, faith, gender, or sexual orientation.
For these reasons and so many more, I believe that 2021 will be an exciting year of revitalization and economic recovery. I look forward to the many annual community events and festivities that had to be either cancelled or minimized due to the pandemic over the past year, and am confident that by this time next year, we will be celebrating with family and friends in larger groups again.
Early in the new year, I will be reaching out to each household in our riding to gather your opinions and ideas on various government initiatives. As your Member of Parliament, I consider this feedback to be of tremendous value in representing you in the House of Commons.
Until then, I wish all residents of Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook a safe and prosperous new year!
Happy New Year! Bonne Année!