FALL RIVER: The councillor for District 1 Waverley-Fall River-Musquodoboit Valley is going to ask that HRM looks at a gravel road paving program for gravel roads the municipality owns.
At the July 12 regional council meeting, Cathy Deagle Gammon said she has a motion on the agenda to be discussed.
The motion asks the CAO to provide a staff report on evaluating a potential Gravel Road Paving Program for HRM-owned roads.
It reads as follows:
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to provide a staff report evaluating a potential Gravel Road Paving Program for HRM-owned roads that considers an annual funding allocation and the following prioritization criteria:
- Cost-benefit of paving
- Existing road condition and level of maintenance
- Road classification
- Traffic volume
- Storm water management
- Winter maintenance
- Surrounding public amenities such as parks, schools, lake access, etc.
It would further direct the CAO to:
“Undertake pre-engineering work on HRM gravel roads, in accordance with Regional Council’s current approved prioritization criteria, to ensure that Regional Council can consider paving up to $500K of HRM gravel roads as part of the 2023/24 budget process.”