Edmonds is running in Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook
Name: Anthony Edmonds
Community: Wellington
Family: I live with my wife, Jillian.
Profession: Aerospace Engineer
Why are you running?
I’d like to do everything that I can to make sure that future generations can live at least as well as we do. For me, that means fighting for an accountable government that won’t hesitate to rise to challenges and respond to needs.
What do you see as the top issue in your riding?
On doorsteps and at community events alike, constituents have made it clear to me that they are deeply concerned about climate change and the rising costs – both pocketbook costs and environmental costs – of fossil fuels. People across the country and around the world are growing more concerned about this.
Do you have a hidden talent?
I’ve played drums in a few bands. I’m not sure that qualifies as hidden, since I’ve played at the fire hall a number of times, but people are often surprised to learn that about me.
What is your hope for your riding?
I’d love for our area to be on the cutting edge of an affordable clean energy transition. We have ample potential for distributed renewable generation like rooftop solar to cut down on our power bills. We can use electric vehicles to save on fuel costs. We can retrofit buildings to slash heating bills. These things can be made accessible to all of us through federal leadership.
How to contact you?