The engine from Shubenacadie Fire. (Healey photo)

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KENNETCOOK: Here is a look at the call numbers for volunteer fire departments in East Hants and Stewiacke for December 2023.

The information is provided by participating departments from: Kennetcook fire; Elmsdale fire; Shubenacadie fire; Nine Mile River fire; Stewiacke fire; Enfield Fire; Uniacke & District fire in Mount Uniacke; and Milford fire.

Lantz fire did not submit any call info for Dec. 2023.

Shubenacadie fire responded to 21 calls last month, led by 11 mutual aid request to a neighbouring district calls; then seven mvc’s’ one electrical; one chimney fire; and one medical assist.

For mutual aid calls they had to Milford – three mvc and two alarm activation; to Indian Brook/Sipekne’katik there was one alarm; one medical; and one structure fire; and to Maitland fire they responded for one structure fire; one mvc; and one medical.

For Elmsdale fire, they responded for 13 calls led by five medical assists. The firefighters also heard their pagers go off for two mvc’s; two alarm activations; one fire call; one power pole fire; one propane investigation call; and one CO alarm call.

Kennetcook fire heard the “sound of their people” six times in December. Firefighters responded for five mutual aid request calls and one medical assist.

Nine Mile River fire attended to eight calls for service, led by four mutual aid requests. The department also were toned out for one power pole fire; one mvc; one structure fire; and one medical assist.

For the firefighters in Mount Uniacke with Uniacke & District fire, they had 31 calls for a very busy December 2023.

Their call tally was led by 17 medical assists; five mvc’s; five power lines down/arcing; one fire (misc.); one vehicle fire; one mutual aid request; and one public assist.

It was a busy month in December for Milford Fire. They received 24 Emergency calls. Of these, 14 were for Mutual Aid.

Calls consisted of 11 MVC’s; three power lines down; three medical lift assists; three commercial fire alarms; two structure fires; one chimney fire; and one vehicle fire.

Milford and Shubenacadie Fire want to thank everyone for your generous donations towards the food bank in December; 411 kgs (906 pounds of food and $565.00 in donations.”

For Enfield Fire, the firefighters heard their phones sound to respond 28 times. The number was eld by 13 medical assists; four mutual aid calls; three mvc’s; three alarm activations; three power pole fires; and two brush fires.

Stewiacke fire responded to 16 calls in the month of December, with medical assists leading the way at nine.

The firefighters also geared up and attended to two mvc’s; one propane leak; one commercial fire alarm; one power lines down arcing call; one possible structure fire; and one mutual aid request to Indian Brook/Sipekne’katik.

If you’re a volunteer fire department in the East Hants/Fall River/Beaver Bank area and would like to participate in the From the Firehouse column please reach out to Pat at We would love to add a few more departments.

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