From the Firehouse – July 2024 calls

Milford Fire (Healey photo)

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STEWIACKE: Here is a look at the fire calls for the month of July in East Hants and Stewiacke.

The information below is from participating volunteer fire departments from Stewiacke Fire; Uniacke & District Fire in Mount Uniacke; Milford Fire; Nine Mile River Fire; Elmsdale Fire; and Enfield Fire.

For Stewiacke fire, they had 29 calls, led by 19 medical assists.

Firefighters also responded to five mutual aid requests; two MVC’s; one assist another agency (whale in river; boat requested); one commercial alarm and one vehicle fire.

Uniacke fire responded to 24 calls during July, led by eight medical assists.

They also heard their toners go off for four illegal burns; three MVC’s; three fire alarms; two mutual aid requests; one water rescue; one investigation; one power lines arcing; and one vehicle fire.

For Milford fire, they received 11 Calls during the month of July; eight of these were for Mutual Aid.

The calls consisted of four Motor Vehicle Collisions; three Structure Fires, two Commercial Fire Alarms, a Woods Fire; and an Electrical Fire.

They remind folks: Fire restrictions – Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

Nine Mile River Fire responded to seven calls in the month of July, with two mutual aid requests leading the way.

They also heard the sound of their people for one forest fire; one MVC; one medical assist; one vehicle fire; and one assistance to RCMP.

Elmsdale Fire heard the tones for 30 calls, led by eight medical assists, in July.

They also attended to four MVC’s; three mvc Hwy 102 South; three vehicle fires; three alarms; two MVC Hwy 102 Northbound; two investigation calls; two structure fires; two other calls; and one brush fire;

For Enfield Fire, the firefighters responded to almost 40 calls during the 31 days in July.

Calls that they attended to were 18 medical assists; seven mutual aid requests; seven MVC’s; two alarm activations; two vehicle fires; one brush fire; and one structure fire.

Other departments that usually partake in the column did not submit info for inclusion this month.

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