FALL RIVER: A yearly event hosted by the Kids on God’s Adventure (KOGA) youth group at St. John’s United Church as part of their 30 Hour Famine raised more than $1,100 on May 12.
Every year the kids fast for 30 Hours to raise awareness and money for those suffering from poverty. They pick different organizations every year to support.
The “Honk for Hunger” is a mini fundraiser within the larger 30 Hour Famine effort to raise money. It is sponsored by congregants in the church. This year Laura Fournier and Jennifer Mallette sponsored 10 cents a honk up to $100.00.
Overall the youth group raised over $1,100 in their 30 Hour Famine fundraiser.
This year had a slightly different twist as some of the money is going to support 11 SJUC youth to attend Youth Form at Maritime Conference at Mount Allison University in Sackville, N.B.
KOGA is well attended and includes youth from other churches as well.