BEAVER BANK: The U16/U18 Football N.S. girls provincial flag football team has a distinct Fall River-Beaver Bank look to it. Of the players set to don the Team Nova Scotia colours, 11 are from the Riverlakes area.
Among those on the roster include: Isabel Gonsalves; Emma Archibald, Zoey Tilford; Abby Leavis; Grace Major; Molly White; Brooke Walker; Caelyn Wagg; Madison Degrass; Maya MacDonald; and Lindsay Gilbert. They will look to have success at the Aug. 2-5 flag football nationals, set to be held at SMU in Halifax.
Zoey Tilford said she’s excited to be on the squad.
“It’s really fun,” she said. “It’s been a great experience.”
She decided to play flag football because it was a new sport to be introduced to.
“It’s really special to be able to represent my province at nationals,” said Tilford, of Fall River.
The players train three or four times a week, with extra training at 360 Fit on Saturdays, said Tilford.
Abby Leavis of Beaver Bank said she is playing football because she wanted to give it a try.
“It’s something exciting to do,” she said.
She does think that the girls are showing they can play flag football too—just like their counterparts can.
“I think it’s awesome that we can go and play and show the boys we can play the sport too,” said Leavis.
Emma Archibald is in her rookie year. She’s thrilled with such an opportunity to come her way.
“I think it’s a good opportunity for girls to get in a sport that’s not well known for girls to play,” she said.
She said it’s great to have such a large local contingent on the squad. The best part of playing the game is the running and how its about strategy. Archibald also does track and field and basketball
“I love being able to have all my friends on the team,” she said. “It makes it more fun.”