FALL RIVER: A motorcyclist was taken to hospital with what was believed to be non-life-threatening injuries after a two vehicle collision on Hwy 2 by Coach Ave. mid-afternoon on Sept. 22.
Traffic was slowed near the scene by Fletcher Drive for about an hour as EHS, Halifax District RCMP, and Station 45 Fall River firefighters worked the scene.
The accident occurred as a vehicle was exiting Coach Avenue and the motorcycle went to go by a turning left car into the opposite lane. The vehicle turning out—a father and young son—tried to avoid the accident by instead going straight across to Fletcher Drive. According to witnesses, the motorcycle appeared to be going faster than the posted speed limit of 60 kilometres/hour in that stretch of road.
Neither of those in the vehicle were injured.
While police directed traffic one way at a time, an officer spotted a driver on their cellphone as they were passing the scene.
The person, believed to be a man, was pulled over and remained at the scene for almost 20 minutes as officers issued him a ticket.
The investigation into the collision is ongoing.