WELLINGTON: The subdivisions that make up Oaken Hills in Wellington left Santa needing another way to get back to the North Pole after he visited the community on Dec. 6.
The community held their first-ever Santa food drive throughout the many streets in the Oaken Hills subdivision in the community of Wellington.
The food was taken to a residents home and dropped off, and the then close to $1,500 was raised separate to that.
Despite the weather—it was cold, rainy, and windy—the parade went ahead with a few resident entries, and because Santa couldn’t make the following week.
While this parade went ahead, there were a few more entries that drove the streets on Dec. 12 getting residents in the Christmas spirit—minus Santa.

Showing off the sleigh full of food donations in our main photo is Addison Cross (on the left), and Kate Whitman, also from our subdivision, on the right.
The money and donations have already been delivered to Feed Nova Scotia to distribute to less fortunate families in the HRM area.
There were plenty of nicely decorated vehicles that paraded along Calderwood Drive, where The Laker was with friends watching and taking photos, and other streets in Oaken Hills. All should be commended for their efforts!
What a great way to support those in need especially how it’s needed more this time due to COVID19, and a great way to get in the Spirit of the season not once, but twice.
Here’s a look at the parade from Dec. 12. Photos by Pat Healey (who was hanging with the Hart family, Suvi too):