DARTMOUTH: Lots of smiles were on display during weekend of play at the City of Lakes Ringette Tournament, hosted by Harbour City Lakers Ringette.
At the game we took in at the RBC Centre in Dartmouth Crossing, between Nova Central Ringette U-14 and HC Lakers U-14, despite the outcome at the end of the game there appeared to be happy faces from the girls hanging with their friends and playing the sport they love.
The Lakers have a couple of Waverley area players on their roster, and Nova Central has Sackville, Fall River and Beaver Bank area players.

The Lakers, a strong team, won the game, but Nova Central held them close for a period plus before the offence turned on for the Lakers, who is coached by Dorothy Hart of Waverley.
At the end of the game, it was an 8-2 final score, but that didn’t seem to matter as you could see smiles on the NC Ringette players all out having fun–and getting exercise.

In this game there were many business sponsor bars on the jersey of players.
It was nice to see businesses like Waverley Animal Hospital, us at The Laker News, Motion Dance Centre, Rust Check, Dental Corp (on no 12 of HC Lakers), Stuart & Davidson Orthodontics, and more. Those are just a few of the sponsor bars seen on the jerseys of players with HCL and NC in this game.

The Lakers made the championship final on Jan. 22. An update on the final has not been provided yet.
Here are some game action photos we took while we were there taking in this round robin game: