WAVERLEY: Barry Dalrymple was left speechless Friday night.
As the wrapping was taken off to reveal the naming of the new accessible pavilion at McDonald Sports Park in Waverley, it beamed out for all to see – the Barry Dalrymple Gathering Place–and from in front of the crowd it was clear that Dalrymple himself was surprised to see it.
It was a secret amongst so many of his friends, the minor ball association he carried on his back for so long, plus the many other organizations he has been a part of over the years.
Among the groups he has been involved with: SWEPS Trails, Shubenacadie Canal Commission, LWF Ratepayers Association, the Waverley Amateur Athletic Association, the Waverley Community Association, Lions Christmas Express, and just to name a couple.
The former RCMP officer and coucnillor for District 1 HRM who has made a huge difference and the things he’s touched has benefited so many in the community relayed his feelings.
“Those of you that know me know I never at a loss for words,” said Dalrymple to some chuckles in the crowd. “I am. I really.”
“All I can do is say thank you.”
BOMAC Construction built the pavilion, which received funding support from ACOA Canada (MP Darrell Samson announced the funding last year), plus donations from other community groups and Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon.
He said he had no clue they were naming it in his honour. WAAA Board joked they decided on that at a meeting Dalrymple had to leave early from.
“I used to be a police officer,” said Dalrymple in an interview, chuckling. “I missed all the clues somehow.”
“For a community that can never keep a secret about anything, I was shocked until the unveiling,” he said. “I really had no idea.”
Check out the video story, sponsored by Old Creel Canoe & Kayak.
Video shot/edited by Dagley Media