PHOTOS/VIDEO: Rappelling down 1801 Hollis Street for a good cause

High fives by Julie and Carrie after completing Drop Zone Halifax. (Healey photo)

FLETCHERS LAKE/ENFIELD/HALIFAX: More than 50 people were brave and rappelled down 23 storeys on Tuesday all in support of a great cause.

The 19th annual Drop Zone Halifax took place at 1801 Hollis Street with all monies raised going to support programs and initiatives put on by Easter Seals Nova Scotia.

There were many teams who had upwards of four members taking part in the rappel, which saw a little delay from its scheduled start due to Mother Nature rains and a quick lightning in the area.

Once that was down and it was good to go, there were lots of people braving their fears–doing Drop Zone for the first time-or veterans with many years of experience under their harnesses to head down the 23 storeys.


As the participants went down the side of the tallest building east of Montreal, there were cheers of encouragement from all.

Our own Pat Healey participated for a second year in a row, this time he had three teammates. They were Amy Demone of Fletchers Lake; Julie Gilby of Enfield; and Carrie MacDougall of Lantz.

The Great Descenders as they are aptly named, a name picked by Amy’s daughter Olivia, raised more than $6,800 for Easter Seals.

Here is the video story from the Drop Zone Halifax as sponsored by Molnar Welding and edited by Matt Dagley. It was shot and reported on by Pat Healey.



The 23 storeys of 1801 Hollis Street. (Healey photo)
Pat points way up in the air. (Healey photo)
Century 21 Trident member and his mom going up to do it. (Healey photo)


The Great Descenders do a team cheer after a great pep talk from Olivia. (Healey photo)
Julie and Carrie rappel down. (Healey photo)
It’s Caden Flynn! (Healey photo)


The harnesses the participants were secured in. (Healey photo)
Olivia was the best cheerleader for the Great Descenders. (Healey photo)
The Great Descenders did it! (Healey photo)