With the noise of the Fall River Bridge construction filling the background, Premier Stephen McNeil met with Fall River Area Business Association (FRABA) members to discuss what is needed to improve small businesses in the area, the answer was unanimous — the need is for proper infrastructure.
McNeil was conducting summer tours and meeting with local organizations across the province when he stopped by A Good Day Kitchen & Cafe with Waverley-Fall River- Beaver Bank, MLA, Bill Horne on Aug. 10.
The short stop allowed FRABA members a question and answer period with the Premier, where all concerns raised related back to one essential need: municipal water systems.
The meeting came prior to the August 16 announcement from the federal government that they will give approximately $86 million to upgrade water and waste water systems in Bridgetown, Lunenburg and Fall River.
At the meeting McNeil seemed confident that if the money flowed from the federal level, it is likely the provincial government will contribute as well, stating “I think it’s pretty certain that we consider it to be a positive project,” when asked about the provinces commitment.
“The community provides ideas for government to build on, and I’ve heard about water, I’ve heard about water three times from the way from the door to here. You should be very proud that I’ve heard about it more from Bill Horne just how important that project is to the community,” said McNeil
”I don’t know about every water project in Nova Scotia- I know about this one, that’s a positive thing,” he added.
Since the federal governments announcement that their of their approximate $86 million contribution, $3,962,870 of which will go to the Fall River central waste service installation, the province has committed to shelling out an additional $43,000,168 to fund the 73 community water and waste water projects throughout the province $1,981,435, of that has been committed to the Fall River project.
FRABA members believe water will be the solution to many of the areas problems, with small businesses being able to expand and continue building the community, in turn, people will stay in the area.