ENFIELD: The heavy rains as of late has caused the side of the road near Scott Lane to wash away.
Currently, pylons are located on the shoulder of Hwy 2 in Enfield, HRM at the sharp corner just down from Scott Lane to indicate where there is no more shoulder due to the recent heavy rains.
The roadway was impacted last summer, and then again in December and January with the rains washing the gravel away making it very precarious.

Gary Andrea, spokesman with the Department of Public Works, said they are aware of the issue.
“The Department is aware of the damage and the required repairs along the shoulder on Highway 2 in Enfield,” Andrea told The Laker News.
“Maintenance crews are working to schedule a repair as soon as possible.”
He recommended motorists travelling along this stretch of road exercise caution.
“Until those repairs are complete, staff will continue to actively monitor the location,” he said.