WINDSOR JUNCTION: Residents have had to start slowing down along Winley Drive in Windsor Junction as HRM has begun installation of traffic calming measures.
Taking a Sunday afternoon drive through Fall River Village May 19, one comes to at least three and maybe more speed humps that are in the process of or have already been installed by crews, aimed at slowing traffic more.
Residents had complained to local Councillor Steve Streatch of vehicles travelling way too fast—sometimes almost 30 kilometres an hour faster than the posted 50 km/hr speed limit on the residential subdivision street.
In a previous story, it was said that Winley Drive in Windsor Junction; along with Karels Drive; and Marantha Drive are among the streets where speed bumps will be installed by HRM to reduce the speeding concerns many have expressed. It will create what is hoped to be safer streets for everyone, especially those who walk on the streets with their families.
“I’m pleased that staff agreed it was time to bring some traffic calming measures to some of these residential streets, specifically Winley and surrounding area,” said Councillor Steve Streatch in the previous story. “Over the past two years, it had become quite evident to me residents were looking for relief from some of the driving style and speed from traffic on their streets.”
In the Sept. 2019 story, Streatch said the measures will be used as a trial for possible implementation in other streets across Fall River, including Ingram Drive and High Road.
When asked during an update on this piece on May 12 if the speed humps in early May, Streatch reassured residents there was “nothing more to read into this than a response from the traffic authority further to residents concerns about excessive speed and public safety.”
“This in no way has anything to do with any proposed development,” he said. “HRM is mostly reactive as it relates to this type of traffic calming.”
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