Truro Superstore gives school breakfast programs a big boost

Truro Superstore raised $12,788 for local school breakfast programs. 9Submitted photo)

TRURO: School breakfast programs in the Truro area are getting a big boost.

At the Truro Atlantic Superstore, thanks to customer support, the store was able to raise almost $13,000 for school breakfast programs at local schools in their area.

Chris Cluette, Store Manager at Truro Superstore, said Loblaws runs campaigns several times a year raising funds to support local breakfast programs at schools.

“The goal is to feed a million students across Canada each year,” said Cluette.


And the amount raised in Truro is a good step towards that.

The fall campaign saw the store raise the most funds in all of Canada, with a total of $12,788 collected.

The next closest in funds raised was in Ontario with $8424 donated, and then Memorial in Newfoundland who raised $6,283.

“The funds were raised through customer donations, a balloon tree, staff 50/50, a BBQ, cake decorating contest, decorated cookies, raffle tickets on a fire pit and a pie in the face of the assistant store manager who was a great sport,” said Cluette in an interview with The Laker News.


Cluette said in addition to the funds raised for the local schools each Loblaws store did something extra.

The stores gave 450 “Give a little” breakfast snack bags to local schools to feed students going to school hungry.

“We are so proud of the hard work and support from our customers and staff in helping us raise the most monies in all of Canada to support the local breakfast programs at the schools,” said Cluette.