FALL RIVER: A young Middle Sackville girl is proof that no donation is too small, and has just the same impact if not more than large ones do.
Kaylee Bowes and her mom Lori make scrunchies by hand and then sells them at various craft shows, and more recently at Our Community Market events, including the Dec. 6 one held at St. John’s United Church. At this market, she was raising money and donating a percentage of it to Zac’s Warriors in support of 11-year-old Zac Connolly, who has recently saw his Neuroblastoma return.
“I think what I’m doing is a good thing to fundraise for Zac,” said Bowes. “He needs a lot of money to go to New York for treatment for cancer.”
Zac’s family is hoping to begin treatments here, but eventually take him to the top Neuroblastoma hospital in New York where he can receive treatment. The costs is high, hence the push is on for fundraising and assistance from those like Bowes is welcomed and appreciated.
Kaylee and her mom make the scrunchies inside their Middle Sackville home on their free time. The company name is Luv Ur Scrunchie.
“Mom sews them together and I do all the other steps,” she said. “It’s a lot of fun to do. They’re really popular.”
She said they went to a craft fair at Zac’s school and that is who all the vendors were donating their sales too. So she wanted to help out.
“We thought it would be a good idea so we continue to fundraise for him,” said Bowes.
While she has yet to meet Zac in person, Bowes thinks he would be happy that she is helping his fundraising efforts out.
For Bowes, she said it feels good to help someone her age.
“I’m really happy to help him out,” she said.
To help Zac out, donate to his GoFundMe at: www.gofundme.com/help-zac-connolly-fight-neuroblastoma.
For more on Bowes and her talented creations, to place an order check her out on Facebook and Instagram by searching for “Luv Ur Scrunchie.”