FALL RIVER: The stoppage of the Christmas registry with Feed Nova Scotia in HRM is going to make things look different for organizations that try to help those less fortunate during the holiday season.
One such organization is the Lions Christmas Express in Fall River/Waverley/Oakfield area.
The group, all run by volunteers, had been taking its Christmas registry list from Feed Nova Scotia for the last 20 years.
“It helped us reach local families in need of extra support at Christmas,” said Lions Christmas Express volunteer chair Elizabeth Booth.
However, that program was stopped this year and replaced with a new program supported by 211.
“We’ve provided 211 with the boundaries of the area supported by Christmas Express,” said Booth.
If anyone in our area calls them in need of food, or families with Children 13 and under call for gift support at Christmas, 211 will direct them to us so that we can meet their needs.
Booth said the Christmas Express also has an email and phone number should anyone want to contact them directly – lionschristmasexpress@gmail.com or 902 920 4441.
The Lions Christmas Express is still collecting food and money for the food box program. Please go to the link below if you wish to donate. https://christmasexpress.ca