ELMSDALE: Abby Cameron realizes running in an opposite riding to the one she lives in could impact her bid to be the next MLA for Hants East, whenever the provincial election is called.
The NDP candidate lives in Fall River with her partner.
However, she considers herself a full-fledged Hants East girl, and says she isn’t opposed to moving back to the community her heart is with down the road.
“It definitely could, but when I met with (NDP leader) Gary Burrill when we were setting up, I had the choice of running in Fall River or here in Hants East,” said Cameron. “I chose here. That’s because I’m from here. I know here.”
Cameron has had her hand on the pulse of the region during her time as an editor/reporter, from growing up in the area, and having countless friends and family members living here.
“I’ve been in that council chamber at the Municipality for 12 years. I’ve been in the schools,” she said. “This is where I know, and this is where I’m from. Even though I don’t live here right now, it’s where I consider home.”
It’s also not as uncommon as some may think, NDP Leader Gary Burrill said during a recent interview in Elmsdale with Cameron.
“You will find that out of the candidates putting their names forward for the election, there will be a significant number who live on the other side of the line to where they live,” said Burrill.