WINDSOR JUNCTION: Users heading into the property where the Windsor Junction Community Centre is located will notice a bit of a change this summer, as part of the province’s return to day-camp guidelines related to COVID19.
In a post on their Facebook page, the Windsor Junction Community Centre posted a notice that says they will be conducting COVID19 Screenings for everyone entering the WJCC property.
The screenings will take place Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday and Sundays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
“All vehicles must stop at the screening check point in the lane,” the notice says.

There is a chance the gate to the driveway may close to vehicles.
“If physical distancing can not be maintained on the property, the gate may be close until spacing is available,” the post said.
In the end of the post, it said that all individuals entering the property must give their contact information for tracing purposes.