Lion Kirk Stephen presents the cheque (not the real one) to Barry Dalrymple from LWF Baseball. (Healey photo)

FALL RIVER: Two minor sports organizations will benefit from the support of another local non-profit organization.

Recently, the Fall River & Riverlake District Lions Club announced they were donating $10,000 to LWF Baseball to purchase bleachers for the new ball/foot ball field at Carmel Crescent in Fall River.

The bleachers would also be utilized and benefit Fall River Dragons Minor Football who will play there.

Lion Kirk Stephen made the announcement at the LWF Hall before a recent monthly meeting of the club.


Stephen said the Lions Club was happy they could help with minor baseball. LWF had more than 900 kids registered for the sport last year.

“They were in desperate need of some bleachers for the new ball and football field,” he said.

The field is expected to be in operation this Spring.

Dalrymple said they are starting the Challenger baseball program for young players with disabilities.

“We’re also starting a girls softball division,” he added. “We will go over the 1,000 mark in registration this year.”

Group shot of the Lions Club members with LWF Baseball officials as the cheque is presented. (Healey photo)


Dalrymple said the minor baseball association had officials come and present to the Lkions Club asking for just $5,000 for the bleachers.

“The $10,000 here and money from the Fall River Business Association will allow us to buy four full sets of bleachers this coming year,” said Dalrymple.

“Two bleachers will go on each of the two new fields that we built last year,” he said.

He said without the community’s support of their weekly wing nights, they would not be able to give back like they do to the community with donations such as this.

Members of the Spryfield Lions Club also attended the meeting.