Government Updates
On May 5th the federal government announced a $252 million emergency aid package for the agriculture industry to help farmers and food processors safely navigate the pandemic.
- $77 million fund for food processors of various sizes to help retrofit their facilities, increase capacity to deal with the backlog of livestock across the country, for the purchase of PPE for workers.
- $125 million to the Agri Recovery fund, a federal-provincial-territorial program aimed to help farmers during disasters.
- $50 million surplus purchase program which will allow the governement to buy large quantities of certain foods that are at risk of going to waste to redistribute them to organizatons addressing the food insecurity across the country. This will help ensure the farmers get compensation for their work and the most vulnerable have access to fresh food.
Chamber Updates:
The Chamber is hiring a summer student. See the image for more details:

Webinar Series for Businesses During COVID-19
The EHCC is organizing a series of FREE webinars that would benefit the business community during this time of social distancing. The idea is to provide the tools and knowledge for businesses to pivot the business platform, to be better prepared when the State of Emergency is lifted and to help them spend this time productively. Many business owners complain they don’t have time to workon their business. Now may be that time.
We need your help!
The Chamber is looking for those who are experts in their field and who have content that would benefit small businesses in this time of crisis.
Do you have information that could assist businesses during this time?
Do have solutions that may help other busineses?
If you’re interested in hosting a webinar for the business community, please email your topics with a brief outline of the content to