FALL RIVER: Needing more space for their operations, Fall Chiropractic Clinic in the Fall River Plaza has made a move—but not far, just four doors down from its former location.
The move was necessitated by the need for more space for employees and to give its clientele better service, says owner Dr. Beth Burchinsaw.
“We’ve added some more services to the clinic and our Acupuncturist wanted to come on full-time so we needed to have an extra room,” she told The Laker. “There are our reasons including having more store frontage, more natural light, and just to make it my own”
She said the official move in date was scheduled to be April 28.

Dr Burchinsaw said for the clients it’ll be more user-friendly.
“We’ve gotten rid of the carpet and add some stuff so the staff doesn’t have to carry sheets home and we’ll be able to wash everything by hand or use the machines here,” she said.
She said they only looked at the empty space that was previously occupied—albeit for a short time—by The Battered Fish.
“When we knew they were going to be out of here for sure, we knew they had the two or three units together that was available and we didn’t really want to move locations,” said Dr. Burchinsaw. “We’re really happy where we are. This was kind of the best of both worlds.”
Taking over the former space Fall River Chiro housed will be another business. 9 Round Kickboxing Fitness is a fast, fun 30-minute workout. They are expecting to be open by June, said a contact with the company on twitter.It’s headquarters are based out of South Carolina.