FALL RIVER: The local councillor said it might be time for the current planning bylaws put in place a few years ago through the Fall River Visioning process to be reviewed.
Councillor Steve Streatch was responding to a question from The Laker who had heard from residents critical of Streatch and HRM in ignoring bylaws that volunteers worked so tirelessly on to ensure developments would fit the community.
“As it relates to planning documents, all documents in HRM are susceptible to review,” he said. “It’s no different than our regional plan that was reviewed after five years.
“The Riverlakes Secondary plan that was put in place in 2011-2012 is more than past due for reconsideration.”
He said that doesn’t mean the whole plan will be dismissed.
“It also means that amendments can be entertained,” said Streatch. “Quite frankly, regional council entertains planning amendments daily.”