Ferreri to hear childcare program concerns at Lantz town hall

Conservative MP Michelle Ferreri will be holding the town hall on Aug. 26. (Submitted photo)

LANTZ: Residents are encouraged to come out to a town hall on childcare set for tonight, Aug. 26.

The town hall will see Conservative MP For Peterborough-Kawartha Michelle Ferreri in town to discuss the federal government’s $10 a day childcare plan.

Ferreri is the Conservative Shadow Minister for Families, Children, and Social Development.


The Town Hall is set to start at 6 p.m. in the Todd Hunter Room at the East Hants Sportsplex in Lantz.

It has been organized by local community members due to the lack child care services in East Hants.

Organizers say if you or a loved one are impacted by the childcare crisis, the town hall with Ferreri is an opportunity to voice your concerns.