Free transit for all Nova Scotians, N.S. Liberals promise as policy

Pat Healey interviews Liberal Leader Zach Churchill in Enfield. (Dagley Media photo)

PC Party say Liberal leader desperate to

say anything to turn fortunes around

HALIFAX: It would be free transit for all Nova Scotians if the N.S. Liberal Party were to form the next provincial government.

Nova Scotia Liberal Leader Zach Churchill announced Sept. 3 that his government would make historic investments in public transit to eliminate fares and deliver free transit for Nova Scotians.

This policy will reduce emissions, alleviate traffic congestion, and most importantly, help put more money back in the pockets of middle and working class commuters, seniors, and students.

Daily commuters in Nova Scotia could save up to $1,080 each year, with seniors saving up to $792.

The Nova Scotia Liberals will also make the largest investment in community transportation in the province’s history by supporting the more than 25 community transit organizations in every county in Nova Scotia.


On top of this, the plan would add extra funding for transit authorities to expand their systems and create additional capacity.

“It’s clear that more needs to be done to support Nova Scotians with the rising cost of living,” said Churchill. “Making public transit free in Nova Scotia isn’t just about getting from point A to point B.

“It’s about giving people the freedom and peace of mind to get where they need to go without worrying about the cost.

“This investment will support Nova Scotians by connecting our communities, reducing traffic congestion, and let people keep more of their hard-earned money.”


In the legislative session that begins this week, the Nova Scotia Liberals will continue to putfor ward bold ideas, like free transit and lowering the HST, to get the province back on track and deliver a Better Deal for Nova Scotians.

“This fall legislative session is about showing Nova Scotians that there is a viable alternative to Tim Houston’s Conservatives,” said Churchill. “Our Nova Scotia Liberal team is committed to working hard to deliver a Better Deal for Nova Scotians.”

“It’s clear to us, and to many Nova Scotians, that this government doesn’t have our province’s best interests at heart.

“Nova Scotians can have confidence that our team has a vision for our province that’s focusedon you and your family–and a plan to make it happen.”


Transit user Jeneen Williams-Cain commented on the Liberals policy and how it would impact their usage.

“As someone who relies on public transit every day, I’m so excited by the difference this policy will make,” said Williams-Cain.

“There are many people who can’t afford a bus pass, and now with fares increasing in Halifax even more, it’s going to become more challenging.

“Free transit will mean people won’t have to choose between transportation and other necessities, and for that, I’m grateful.”


The governing PC Party issued a statement on Churchill’s policy announcement later on Sept. 3.

“Mr. Churchill had eight years to improve the lives of Nova Scotians,” said Chris Palmer, MLA for Kings West. “Instead, he was part of a Liberal government that created a healthcare crisis, didn’t build a single new housing unit, and ignored seniors and long term care.

“He is desperate to say anything to turn his political fortunes around. Nova Scotians see through his stunts and know that only Tim Houston and the PCs are focused on building up Nova Scotia and fixing what Mr. Churchill and the Liberals broke.”

“If Mr. Churchill is serious about addressing the cost of living, he will join the PCs in calling on Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to scrap the carbon tax.”