BEAVER BANK: A group of community residents are doing what they can to assist in the fundraising efforts for those who have been evacuated from Ukraine.
More than 40 volunteers have stepped up to tell organizer Maureen Fedorus they will help out at the event.
The plan is for some to gather on March 18 to start the work and creating of perogies for the event, Pyroghy for Peace, slated for April 2 at the Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre in Beaver Bank.
The afternoon of Ukrainian culture will run from 1-4 p.m. on April 2.
It will include a desert and coffee while bidding on your favorite silent auction items; and homemade perogies will be available for purchase.
All proceed in support of Ukraine! Admission is just $5.
For more information check out their Facebook page: Pyroghy for Peace