The following was submitted by the 1st Riverlake Scouts
GRAND LAKE: Visitors to Laurie Provincial Park on Sunday Feb. 21 were surprised to see a series of igloo-like snow structures in the camping loop of the park.
1st Riverlake Scouts took advantage of the snowy conditions in the park to build these snow shelters called quinzees.
The hearty group of scouts dug out huge mounds of snow and left the snow to recrystallize for over an hour before digging out the snow in the centre. Lessons were learned after one partial cave-in, and everyone involved now understands why igloos are dome shaped.
The results of the scout efforts were cozy snow shelters that were noticeably warmer than the outside air.

Unfortunately, scouts across Canada are still not allowed to camp overnight so the scouts could not test their snow shelters by sleeping in them.
Scouter Doug Reid noted that some winters they do not get enough snow for this kind of winter survival activity. At previous winter camps, 1st Riverlake scouts have built shelters using tarps, ropes and standing or fallen trees.
As if they were winter camping on Sunday, the scouts stayed warm by eating their lunch by the campfire and hiking around the park and exploring the ice next to the shoreline.

1st Riverlake Scouts has other fun outdoor adventures planned such as a winter camp day scheduled for next month at the Chaswood Educational Woodlot. Scouting is a co-ed outdoor focused program for children and young people form ages 5-26.
As COVID has impacted the number of Scouts in this group, they have plenty of room if any youth aged 11 to 14 would like to join the adventure of Scouting.
You can find their group, 1st Riverlake and register online at