FALL RIVER: With an inspiring speech from Valedictorian Peter Driscoll about seizing opportunities and learning from your mistakes, the close to 300 graduates who walked across the stage at Lockview High’s graduation June 27 at the Halifax Forum hope to do just that.
Driscoll spoke eloquently to the crowd and found the perfect words to sum up the high school years and what awaited him and the other grads.
“Try it. Own it. Be it,” said Driscoll in concluding his speech.
PHOTOS: Check out our best photos from Graduation
VIDEO: LHS Grad ceremony entrance
From looking at the bursaries awarded, there will be a lot of Dragon colours making their way to Mount Saint Vincent University in Bedford.
Overall, LHS students received $113,896 in bursaries and scholarships from post-secondary universities.

Here is a list of Bursary award recipients as announced at the ceremony and provided in the brochure handed out:
Alyssa Ayres, $5,000 renewable, Dalhousie University
Hannah Bezanson, $5,500 renewable, Mount Saint Vincent University
Rachel Boutilier, $6,000 renewable, Mount Saint Vincent University
Jenna Bulger, $4,000 renewable, Mount Saint Vincent University
Mikayla Clark, $2,000, Crandall University
Lisa Coleman, $4,000 renewable, Mount Allison University
Emily Creaser, $2,000 renewable, Acadia University
Amy Cutcliffe, $2,000 renewable, Saint Mary’s University

Teresa Dobec, $5,500, Mount Saint Vincent University
Nicholas Durling, $2,000 renewable, Saint Mary’s University
Kristy Faulkner, $3,000, $2,000, University of P.E.I.
Colin Fry, $1,000 renewable, $2,500, Acadia University
Olivia Handspiker, $3,000, $5,000 renewable, Dalhousie University
Alexandra Kerry, $1,000 renewable, Saint Mary’s University
Bailey Lenihan, $4,000 renewable, $2,500, Carleton University
Julia Leslie, $2,000 renewable, Saint Mary’s University
Cameron MacDonald, $3,500 renewable, Saint Mary’s University
Cara MacDonald, $3,000 renewable, St. Francis Xavier University
Katherine Mansvelt, $2,250 renewable, Dalhousie University
Molly Mepham, Full Tuition, Saint Thomas University
Sara Murphy, $2,500 renewable, Dalhousie University
Tyler Raycroft, $5,750, Dalhousie University
Georgia Saleski, $1,000, $4,000 renewable, Acadia University
Ameerah Sayer, $5,000 renewable, Mount Saint Vincent University
Janna Sunde, $2,550, Memorial University
Alexander Wildly, $1,000 renewable, $2,500, Acadia University

A graduate of Lockview High, Katherine Thompson, was selected by the Canadian Armed Forces for their Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP). That comes with a full scholarship value of more than $120,000 to attend the Royal Military College of Canada.
The ROTP will lead Thompson to a Bachelor of Engineering degree and employment as an Aerospace Engineering officer with the Canadian Armed Forces.
Sgt. Cody Baker presented Thompson with the ROTP certificate on stage during the Special Awards portion of the ceremony.

Janna Sunde was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Medal for academic excellence over her entire high school career, combined with community and school involvement. It was presented to her by MLA Bill Horne.