WELLINGTON: The Shubenacadie Canal Commission (SCC) is considering blocking access to the lock off Kings Road in Wellington if the overbundent littering and tearing up of the ground doesn’t stop.
Doug Conrad, General Manager of the Canal Commission, said the SCC doesn’t want to do that, but they might be left with no other choice. Regan Alford, a concerned Wellington resident sent him photos of the destruction, which included several broken beer bottles. He told her the same in an email.
“I thought the placement of boulders would restrict that but we can’t put them everywhere. I think the next step will be posting some signs,” said Conrad. “If that doesn’t work we may have to close the road. That would be too bad for the boaters that launch from there.”
Mother Nature has also not been helpful.
“The mild winter providing easy access to the site has also contributed,” he said.

Alford said she is frustrated because of the lack of respect to these public spaces.They used the Lock a lot last Spring and into fall kayaking. She saw first-hand how much dumping was done.
Alford said it would be a blow to the community if access was blocked because of a few bad apples.
“It’s a sad thought to have the road gated, especially because I believe the damage is being done by a few,” she said. “The majority of people using this space are not the problem. We live in an amazing area with so many great spots to access nature, let’s keep these spots open for all to use and experience.”
“We would like to continue to use this space, but if the Canal Commission has to do something more drastic before real damage is done then we will all lose out.”