ELMSDALE: The Municipality of East Hants is reminding residents of the upcoming Public Information Meeting for a proposed new production facility in Elmsdale.
In a Facebook post, MEH said it has received an application from Elmsdale Lumber Company Limited to allow for the construction and operation of a biochar production facility.
Elmsdale Lumber Company Limited is requesting an amendment to the East Hants Official Community Plan by changing the residential land use designation and zone on a portion of their property.

For more information or to ask questions, please register to attend the Public Information Meeting: https://www.easthants.ca/government/webinars/ .
The purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for the public to get more information and ask questions about the proposal. It also allows Elmsdale Lumber to gain feedback from their neighbours regarding the proposal.
More info about the proposal: https://www.easthants.ca/…/PAC_Elmsdale-Lumber_Initial…