Open-air burning ban imposed by HRM Fire


    FALL RIVER: Given the dry conditions, Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency is advising residents that an open-air burning ban is now in effect for the entire municipality.

    Brendan Elliott, spokesman with HRM, the ban is being triggered by the extremely dry conditions our fire officials are seeing across the region. Residents cannot burn at any time anywhere in the municipality until further notice. This ban also prohibits the use of outdoor fireplaces, including chimeneas.

    It should be noted this municipal ban is being executed by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency and takes priority over any restrictions currently imposed by the provincial Department of Natural Resources.

    In the majority of cases, Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency will mirror the level of restriction on open-air burning declared by the province. While the municipality can never assert a level of restriction lower than what the province has declared, the fire service has the ability to be more restrictive than the province if it’s warranted.

    In this case Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency feels a more restrictive level is warranted for outdoor burning in the municipality.

    The public will be notified when this municipal open-air burning ban is lifted.