FALL RIVER: Students in the Lockview High leadership class got an early taste of winter during a two day camping excursion that brought with it educational learning.
The 40 students and five teachers all camped out at Dollar Lake Provincial Park in Wyse’s Corner Oct. 18-19 . There they learned life skills and bonded with each other, with some students writing in their journals they got to know other students they may not have otherwise hung out with.
Kennedy Huestis of Wellington and Chris Bishop from Miller Lake West were tow of the Grade 12s taking part. The two spoke glowingly of the experience, even if the first blast of winter wasn’t exactly their cup of tea while camping in a tent.
“Even though it was cold and one of the coldest nights so far, it was a lot of fun,” said Huestis. “We learned a lot of different kind of skills that we didn’t have before.”
Bishop chuckled about the camping, although he said the best part for him was the firestarter.
“First snow of the year camping in a tent out in the woods wasn’t the most ideal situation for us,” he said with a smile.
He said the students hung around the campfire, singing songs, and learning more about each other they would ordinarily not know.
“Being with people that you don’t hang out with on a regular basis, it was nice to meet new people and share that experience with,” said Huestis.
Teacher Jake Crawford said he and five teachers took the 40 students on the excursion, where they learned about canoeing; building shelters; went on hikes; made a campfire; and enjoyed an outdoor game. Most of the time was tech-free except for after hours of the activities. The camping trip is one that takes place yearly; it’s happened for the past 10 years.
Huestis said there was a lot of leadership and team building skills learned. The two both liked the campfire the best, and not enjoying the cold weather they endured.
“It was a lot of survival skills, winter skills, shelter,” said Bishop. “We spent a lot of time on educational pieces.”
Crawford said the main reasoning behind the camp out is to see how in class incorporates in a global setting.
“There was a lot of bonding going on between the students with the games, activities, and in their tents,” he said. “It was also an appreciation of the outdoors.”