WAVERLEY: The outdoor pavilion at McDonald Sports Park is two steps closer to reaching its fundraising goal.
At a recent cheque presentation, the Waverley Amateur Athletic Association (WAAA) received $7,000 in support to close the $10,000 gap it had in its fundraising.
Contractor crews are finishing up the pavilion, located in the sports park that is off Champions Way in Waverley.
Henderson Electric and Deputy Mayor Cathy Deagle Gammon were on hand last Friday for two presentations to WAAA Chair Michael Parrott.
Deagle Gammon is the councillor for Waverley-Fall River-Musquodoboit Valley.
Henderson Electric presented Parrott with $5,000 towards the Pavilions project, while Deagle Gammon donated $2,000.
The money from Deagle Gammon came from her District Capital Account.

Barry Dalrymple, with the WAAA, said the pavilion will be inclusive as those with accessibility issues and wheelchairs will be able to use it.
The money will be used towards its goal and allow them to purchase accessible picnic tables and park benches in the pavilion.
If you think you can help out and make a donation go to the McDonaldSportsPark.com website and scan the QR Code.