ENFIELD: With a message that everyone can prevent impaired driving this holiday season, the annual Red Ribbon campaign was launched on a chilly afternoon on Nov. 19 outside the East Hants RCMP detachment in Enfield.
With Community Leader Florence Daigle-Day unable to attend due to recovering from surgery, her son Patrick Daigle stepped in for her to lead the launch of the annual event.
Before starting the launch of the campaign, Daigle took a moment to acknowledge Const. Heidi Stevenson, who was posthumously awarded the Terry Ryan Memorial Award for Excellence in Police Service for her work in preventing impaired driving at the MADD Canada National conference last weekend.
Const. Stevenson was stationed in Enfield and died in the mass shooting in April protecting the citizens she served.

Project Red Ribbon is an annual awareness campaign to promote sober driving during the holiday season.
“Even though the usual parties and celebrations may be limited this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the holiday season is still a time of high risk for impaired driving,” said Daigle.
From now until the beginning of January, MADD Canada and their Chapters and Community Leaders across the country will be distributing thousands of red ribbons and red ribbon car decals for Canadians to proudly display on their vehicles.
The red ribbon is a small but powerful symbol of the wearer’s commitment to sober driving and helps keep the sober driving message top of mind for all who see it.
Tie it! Put the ribbon on your car, your purse or briefcase, your bike, or your backpack to show your commitment to sober driving.
Wear it! Show your support by picking a day to wear RED in honour of Project Red Ribbon.

Show it and share it! Show your spirit and share pictures of you wearing red or displaying your red ribbon on social media.
Tag MADD Canada and use the hashtag #ProjectRedRibbon. (Follow us on social media: Facebook –
facebook.com/maddcanada.ca ; Twitter – @MADDCanada; Instagram – madd_canada.)
Live it! Never drive impaired and always plan ahead for a sober ride home.
“We can all help prevent impaired driving this holiday season,” he said.