LOWER SACKVILLE: Watching Alyssa Rouleau and Sierra Eshouzadeh train and then spar with other members of Citadel Amateur Boxing Club you quickly can see why they are Ringside World Champions.
VIDEO: Pat takes on Alyssa (and loses easily)
VIDEO: Pat boxes with Sierra (and we call it a close draw)
With their quick hands, hard punches, and focus, it makes one not want to get in the ring with the duo for you know you have no chance—especially if you have no previous boxing experience.
But, alas, that is exactly what I did. Me, no boxing experience other than a few matches watched on TV, got into the imaginary ring—since the room above Sackville Recyling where the club is located isn’t big enough for it.

Alyssa and Sierra are both in preparation mode for the upcoming Esker BoxCup, an all-female boxing championship taking place in Dublin, Ireland next month.
I suggested to Alyssa’s mom, Michelle Goodwin, that I could do a first person story with the two by sparring with them. No harm, right? Boy after watching the sparring and the quick punches they were throwing during their shadow boxing, I was quickly wondering what I got myself into. And yes, eyeing the exit door.
So after coach Wayne Gordon finished off the sparring between members—Alyssa; Daniel; Matt, Alyssa’s brother; and Sierra, it was time for me to get geared up and hit the boxing circle. And to make things more nerve-wrecking for me, the others at the club all stopped what they were doing to watch our matches.
First up was Sierra. I held my own against the quick fisted and moving Sierra, landing a few punches even one that left me feeling “oh no” as it was right into her face. But she was okay and didn’t even miss a beat as I let my guard down thinking I may have hurt her.

“I got into boxing because after trying other sports, like Karate and Taekwon-Do, it suited me and I liked it,” said Alyssa, who attends Lockview High. “Once I started, I knew I loved it so that’s why I’ve continued it.”
Sierra, who goes to Junior High in Sackville, used to be bullied at school, resulting in her ending up fighting.
“I don’t get picked on anymore,” she said with a chuckle.
The match with Sierra went the full minute before Coach Gordon called time. I then got to have a short 10-15 second break, before it was time to take on Alyssa.
I have to admit, I think I was done in after the match with Sierra.
As a result, the punches I wanted to throw my arms were just feeling too heavy to get at Alyssa and she, yep, beat me to a pulp. As the minute time limit neared—or what felt like 10 minutes to me—I called it, and said I’m done.

The two are training hard to be at their best. They are in the boxing club five nights a week.
“We’re doing everything we can to be prepared,”said Alyssa, whose not letting a rolled ankle stop her. Less than a week after hurting it, and a few days from being on crutches she was back.
Friends of both girls are proud of them for what they have accomplished and are following where they go next. In order to do that, they are holding various fundraising efforts. Go ‘like” the Facebook page- Matt & Alyssa’s boxing – sparring siblings to see what they have coming up.
I can fully understand the cardio needed to be able to box—and take the licks and punches thrown. It was fun, and I can say I went long with two boxing champions. But I won’t be making a living out of it.
Good luck Sierra and Alyssa at the Esker BoxCup!