BEAVER BANK: Motorists are being given a heads up to expect road closures and traffic detours near the 200 block of Danny Drive in Beaver Bank.
A release from Halifax Water says there will be lateral upgrades taking place on April 21 in the area. In order to complete this work road closures and detours will be required:
Danny Drive between Meadow Drive and Barrett Road will be closed to all but local traffic.
The work will get underway at 7 a.m. and is expected to be complete around 7 p.m. Properties around 199 Danny Drive will not experience any loss of water or wastewater service.
Experienced traffic control personnel will be on-site to ensure smooth traffic flow around the work zone. On site personnel will also maintain communication with local residents and businesses to help minimize disruption.
Motorists are asked to use alternate routes. Motorists are also reminded that speed fines double in work zones.
Halifax Water said they apologize for any inconvenience this necessary infrastructure improvement work may cause.
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