WELLINGTON: On an early sunny Sunday afternoon more than 20 people gathered outside the Hart driveway ready to join the family in their neighbourhood CIBC Run for the Cure.
Because of COVID19, the Run for the Cure—like many events—was postponed or moved to a virtual setting. That was no different here, only it resulted in smaller, more localized runs with not as big of crowds and plenty of socially distance walking.
In this case, it was a five kilometre walk around the Oaken Hills subdivision (two laps from the Harts home on Calderwood) down towards Dakota Drive, across to connect with Abilene and then up to where Calderwood is.
It was a good piece of walking along well-used residential subdivision street.

The Hart family raised $3,196.80 for the CIBC Run for the Cure, with the bulk of that coming from ticket raffle for a fall wreath, which was won by Lisa Frankland. The draw was made with Reporter Pat Healey being asked to draw the name prior to the walk. The money is going towards metastatic cancer.
On Calderwood a start/finish line was drawn in chalk by the two Hart girls—one who goes to Holland Road School and the other to G.P. Vanier–so participants knew where to start.
As the time neared, the group of people taking part gathered and on the count of three they were off heading out for the two-lap walk.
Gaynor Hart was surprised at the turnout.
“It’s much better than I thought it was going to be,” she said. “I know a few people that are away so they couldn’t come but this is wonderful.

She said the walk was done and raising awareness specifically about metastatic breast cancer.
“I think they need more funding for their research,” she said.
The support meant the world to Hart.
“We live in a brilliant subdivision, so we’ve had a lot of support from them,” said Hart.
Near the end of lap one, the walkers were greeted by a sign attached, ironically enough, a hockey net that said it all. It simply said, “We love team Hart & Soul.” It was made by three boys.
“That’s making me cry,” said Hart as she got a closer look.
The sign summed up how the neighbourhood was supportive of one of their own’s fundraising efforts for a cause so near and dear to everyone’s heart.
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