The presentation of the cheque for the support by the volunteer firefighters to the community centre. (Submitted photo)

BEAVER BANK: The local community centre is getting some assistance to host welcomed courses over the next while thanks to the local volunteer fire department.

The Beaver Bank-Kinsac Community Centre has been looking at holding babysitting; home alone; first aid; CPR and other courses.

The courses cost money to be able to hold.

That’s where the Beaver Bank-Kinsac Fire Association: Station 48 comes in.


Station 48 said in a post on Facebook they are pleased to work with the Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre to provide the residents of Beaver Bank – Kinsac the ability to participate in organized courses.

“With a donation of $5,000 from the proceeds of the Nova Scotia Firefighters 50-50 we are providing an opportunity for residents of Beaver Bank – Kinsac to sign up for free to participate,” the post said.

The Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre page will have updates on these future forthcoming courses.