PHOTO: Connor and Kensi Wootton of Fall River hold two bags of their K-9 Cookies, which they bake themselves for dogs and cats on their street. (Submitted photo)
FALL RIVER: Who says dogs can’t be the inspiration for an upstart business venture.
Kensi Wootton, 11, loves to bake so recently she made a recipe for dog treats she was finally pleased with for the family dog, Dodger
“I made a big batch and shared them on the street we live on with anyone who had a dog,” said Kensi, 11, in an email interview with The Laker News.
Kensi’s brother Connor, 12, is an entrepreneur at heart and wondered if they could turn the baking recipe into a business. And thus, K-9 Cookies was formed. Both are avid fans of Dragons Den on CBC N.S. and ABC’s Shark Tank.

Now many would make the connection of K-9 to just dogs. But that’s not the case.
The two Georges P. Vanier Junior High students settled on K-9 because they thought it was a cute play on words with “kindergarten K to grade 9… K-9.”
Kensi said she made the treats because she loves baking and dogs.
“Of course, it was going to all come together,” she said.
The two explained what goes into making the bite size treats.
“We follow a recipe that we’ve come up with to create a treat that’s soft and chewy, not hard and dry like most dog treats,” said Connor.
Mom Gaelene said they usually use apples and carrots that they blend in the food processor, and rice and barley that they cook in batches themselves on the stove.
“We’ve learned a lot in baking multiple batches,” said Kensi.
The treats are packaged as soon as they are cool enough to do so, said Connor.

For the treats, they have two flavours: Apple, peanut butter, and rice; and Apple, carrot, and barley.
Connor said there are plans for seasonal cookie cutter shapes, too.
The treats were such a hit that some of their neighbours in the Fall River Village area thought they should approach The Vegetorium about getting them stocked there. The treats can be found on the shelves currently.
“Our neighbours suggested we contact them, so we did,” said Connor.
The treats are small enough in size they are purrrfectly fine for cats too. (Oh I’m sure the cat lovers of Fall River/Beaver Bank will love to hear that).Connor and Kensi don’t just do the baking either—they’re tasked with calculating all their expenses so they could reimburse mom for product.
“Since then, they agreed it’s easier bookkeeping if they purchase their own supplies,” said proud mom Gaelene.
They sell K-9 Cookies for the following price: $5 for the larger gourmet bites of 25 and $2.50 for the smaller Training Treat bags.
The two were asked the most important question of the interview at the end. What are their plans for the money they get from the sales of K-9 Cookies?
“For me it’s so I can go to university,” said Kensi. “My very first car,” added Connor.
And with a woof Dodger the dog indicated the two’s time was up for the interview, and they had to get back to making more K9 Cookies for the dogs and cats of their street.
To purchase K-9 Cookies, you can contact Gaelene at gaelene.wootton@gmail.com to place your order and discuss payment details.