Making history
Windsor Junction’s Ada and Jane Tuttle add their name to rare list of sisters umpiring same game together
WAVERLEY: As the first pitch was thrown...
Vaughan captures Sportsman 100 at IWK 250 Super weekend
JAMES RIVER: Fletchers Lake’s Matt Vaughan in the 08 AEROTEC Engines-Fall River Chiropractic-sponsored hot rod held off a valiant effort by Colby Smith...
Fall River’s Nick Gravel named to Blue Jays T12 roster
FALL RIVER: A Fall River baseball player has heard
his name called as the first 50 players of 150 were announced for the
Coxhead enjoys NHL Preds development camp
A Fall River hockey player has had the chance to get a taste of NHL
hockey after being invited to a top...
Powell representing N.S. at Canada Cup U-16 volleyball
volleyball bloodlines that run through the Fall River and Waverley area
has once again led a local player to representing her...
Gaudry, Lewis, Archibald named to N.S. team for Legion track nats
Abby Lewis, Abbi Gaudry, and Mya Archibald will all don the Bluenose
colours as they represent the province at the Royal Canadian...
Locals help N.S. hoops team to silver at Eastlink Classic
FALL RIVER: Three Fall River girls helped lead their U-14 Basketbakll N.S. team to a silver medal at the East Link Classic, held July...
Ti-Cats release Fall River’s Jones
A former Fall River Dragons football alum who has a Grey Cup to his
name is looking for a job after recently...
Michelle Russell named to Canadian team for worlds
Fall River’s Michelle Russell is one of four Nova Scotia canoe/kayak
athletes named to Team Canada for the World Championships, scheduled for
Local Taekwondo athletes medal at Pan Am championships
WELLINGTON: Inner Strength Taekwondo athletes brought home three gold and a silver medal from the Pan Am Taekwondo Championship, held last month....